Basic provisions

  1. The goal of the program and the priority in decision-making is the long-term preservation of a healthy, prosperous and sufficiently large insurance population of the given species in aquariums, regardless of where these aquariums are located and whether they are owned by a private breeder or an institution. Everyone who participates agrees with this goal and will help to fulfill it.
  2. Fish husbandry practices, transport and handling shall always be carried out in accordance with the legislation in force in the respective country and with the best practice guidelines for each species issued by Sulawesi Keepers, according to the best conscience and ability of the breeder.


  1. The basic prerequisite for participation in the program is the willingness to cooperate, communicate and personally contribute to the conservation of endangered species in aquariums.
  2. Participation in the program is free.
  3. In addition to the application, each person interested in membership will also send an attachment documenting his/her breeding experience to date; knowledge of the requirements of the species, which he/she may have interest; and the aquariums he/she has available.
  4. There is no automatic entitlement to enter the program and obtain fish by sending an application with an attachment; especially if none of the members know the applicant or cannot recommend him/her. The program is about cooperation and communication, so together we will look for ways to build trust.
  5. Program members gain access to the contact and species database and other internal tools.
  6. The names of the program members (without their contact details) are published on the Sulawesi Keepers website and everyone receives a certificate of participation.
  7. The breeder always reports the number of his/her fish at the turn of the year; announces significant changes (loss of a species, acquisition of a new one, transfers between breeders) and offer/demand immediately without unnecessary delay.
  8. In addition to sharing fish, all participants are expected to share information about their husbandry (specific keeping/breeding conditions, own experience) as well as relevant information found elsewhere, e.g. from scientific publications or directly from Sulawesi.
  9. Membership may be terminated due to a gross violation of the principles of decent behavior towards other members, non-compliance with these guidelines or insufficient communication.

Disposition with fish

  1. Fishes are the property of the breeder and he/she has full right to dispose of them, respecting the objectives of the program (see point 1).
  2. As part of the program, fish are provided free of charge in cases of: accepting a new member; establishment of a new breeding group with another member; restoration of breeding; exchange of fish to maintain genetic variability and prevent inbreeding (breeding of closely related fish).
  3. If donating fish is not possible, e.g. due to institutional rules, depositing (breeding loan, when all reared offspring are already the property of the new breeder) or, in extreme cases, selling for a symbolic price, is chosen.
  4. All movements of fish between members of the program and outside of it are registered and issued with a certificate, the purpose of which is to store and share information about the origin of the fish. This record is accessible to all members.
  5. No member can be forced to repeatedly provide their surpluses for free to other members of the program if this threatens the stability of the population and the achievement of the main goal (see point 1).
  6. The sale of surplus offspring is possible if placement cannot be found for it within the program; it is necessary to inform the other members in advance about the intended sale. The profit remains with the breeder, unless he/she decides to support Sulawesi Keepers' in situ activities through 10% of the profit (see the so-called gold level).
  7. Provisions in point 17 also apply to donation or exchange if fish leave the program.
  8. The intention is not to keep selected fish species in the exclusive circle of program members, but to expand the network of breeders who cooperate and fulfill the mission of conservation breeding regardless of commercial interests.

Program management

  1. The program is managed by the Sulawesi Keepers organization, but in matters of membership and disposition of fish, decision-making authority can be entrusted to all members of this program or their representatives – coordinators for individual species or groups according to the structure determined by the members themselves. Sulawesi Keepers resolves any ambiguities and oversees transparency and fulfillment of program goals.


The contact email of Conservation breeding program for Sulawesi fish is